Oil & Gas

With office in central US, Beaconpoint is strategically located in the heart of the Barnett Shale and home to several of the State’s independent producers. Beaconpoint offers both litigation and transactional clients a convenient local presence for representation in oil and gas matters. Although Beaconpoint’s oil and gas practice has strong local ties, it also reaches beyond the boundaries of the Barnett Shale to the Permian Basin, Eagle Ford Shale and other areas of US. All Beaconpoint attorneys, and particularly our named partners, have years of experience serving as counsel to landowners, working interest owners and operators in the energy sector. Our oil and gas clients range from publicly traded royalty trusts and energy companies with domestic and foreign operations to smaller independent operators, and from governmental entities or businesses with large land holdings to individual landowners. Our attorneys’ expertise in oil, gas and other energy law allows them to offer unique and invaluable insight gained by representing both operators and landowners in a variety of matters. In particular, Beaconpoint’s experience includes:

  • Litigation involving surface use and land use issues, subsurface trespass, complex title disputes, pipeline issues, personal injuries (including matters arising under the Jones Act), reservoir issues, royalty disputes, contract disputes, COPAS matters and audit disputes, lease interpretation, natural gas purchase agreements, joint operating agreements, exploration agreements, easement agreements, area of mutual interest agreements, balancing agreements, drilling contracts and drilling rigs.
  • Representation of governmental entities, homeowners’ associations, businesses and individual landowners in the negotiation, interpretation and drafting of oil, gas and mineral leases.
  • Negotiation and drafting of surface use agreements, pipeline easement and right-of-ways, and injection and/or disposal well agreements.
  • Negotiation, interpretation and drafting of area of mutual interest agreements, joint operating agreements and like documents.
  • Financing transactions and asset purchase agreements involving oil and gas companies.
  • Liens against mineral property

Additionally, since the firm’s inception, Beaconpoint has represented a number of governmental entities and other high profile clients in royalty underpayment disputes against oil and gas operators, including DFW International Airport, the City of Kalmar, Kalmar Independent School District, Kennedale Independent School District, Roslagen, Roslagen College District, the City of Grand Prairie, the Baptist Foundation of US, and the Catholic Diocese of US. The frequency with which Beaconpoint handles disputes regarding royalty underpayments has allowed Beaconpoint to develop a professional and working rapport with certain oil and gas operators, permitting Beaconpoint to achieve favorable resolutions for its clients in the most cost-effective way.